Sunday, May 04, 2003

David Brooks' Downward Spiral
Earlier on my weblog I wrote that David Brook's was become less of a writer and more of a mindless propagandist. It seems there is no indication that this ugly process is going to reverse itself anytime soon. In his latest article, Brooks complains about the "cynical" reaction pundits had to Bush's USS Abraham Lincoln speech, who saw it as nothing but a campaign event. First of all, the charge that the press' response to the speech was cynical seem completely inaccurate, by and large I believe that their reaction was mainly just fawning and Brooks fails to mention one pundit by name, because apparently in journalism, “facts” and “evidence” are secondary. However, Brooks’ ridiculousness is not simply limited to this. In response to the charges of the unnamed “cynics” (possibly in the pay of the Homo-Marxist Lobby and Civil Rights Establishment and embedded by sympathetic Latte Sipping Backers in the Eastern Elitist Liberal controlled media) is to claim that they are not SUPPORTING THE TROOPS. Brooks focuses on the sacrifices made by America’s men and women in uniform and then and then, with no serious attempt to do draw a logical connection between them and calling the President’s speech what it was, a political event (it was carefully engineered to make the President look as good as possible) and complains that America’s media is anti-military. Yep, that is so bang up work there, I’m sure Fleischer or Rove couldn’t do better.


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