Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Edwards Touts Diplomacy on N. Korea

"There's a real chance that diplomacy can work in a place like North Korea," he told about two dozen Democrats over breakfast Monday. "The last thing we need is for North Korea to feel more isolated."

Hey, look this guy has some sense! At least more sense than the Bush administration, which has so far completely ignored the North Korean crisis. Edwards (unlike some of the administration hawks, that are actually talking about a military solution) understands that its best to avoid a war with a nuclear power if its possible. Of course such talk is nearly high treason these days, I'm suprised Edwards hasn't already been visciously attacked by the GOP as an "appeaser" simply because he want to avoid a confrontation that could easily kill hundreds of thousands. The demands being made by North Korea aren't really that awful (bilateral talks and a non agression pact) and its not likely we have another choice. Unless you consider a horrible war a good idea, we're beat, its time to fold and given them what they want.

Edited for paranoia and over the top rhetoric.


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