Sunday, May 04, 2003

The Lame Brain's Inquisistion

I know I'm a little late sounding off on the matter, but I think conservatives are making way too much hay over the whole "is Tom Daschle a real catholic?" controversey. The Bishop of South Dakota has asked the senate minority to leader to stop calling himself a Roman Catholic, because Daschle is pro-choice. Now conservatives (like in the Weekly Standard piece I linked to) are talking about how Daschle must be "morally coherent", meaning that he can't be personally opposed to abortion and politically pro-choice. Of course, all this is utter nonsense. The Bishop's directive seems to be politically motivated, because I can think of a good number of catholics in high places that are being "morally incoherent" as we speak and it doesn't look like Mother Church is going to go after these lost sheep anytime soon. Then again, this might statement bythe South Dakota Archdiocese might be the start of a whole new era! Maybe catholics in public life will become pawns of the pope! Maybe Justice Scalia will follow his duty to be morally coherent and rule that the death penalty is unconstitutional, perhaps William F. Buckley will oppose the "unjust war" in Iraq!


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