Friday, November 14, 2003

Get Out Of My Grill

There's also the matter of his own personal Moriarty, one Al Franken, whose "Lies (And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them)" is No. 3 on The Times' nonfiction bestseller list ("Who's Looking Out for You?" is in fourth place.) "I can't allow some of the stuff to go unchallenged . It's not in me to do that. In Levittown, when I was a kid and you were walking down the street and someone said, 'Hey, O'Reilly, you -- liar,' you punched him. It was like, WHAM!" - he smashes his fist into his hand - "I can't imagine someone calling my father a liar to his face. He would have killed him."

Yeah....O'reilly is one tough bastard. I know exactly what he's talking about too, growing up in the suburban school of hard knocks and all. In fact, Bill O'Reilly and I are almost twins. He grew up in a lame, whitebread 'burb (Levittown) where and so did I (Westchester), his father was an accountant (but a really bad ass one, who would totally beat someone savagely for dissing him) and mine is a bonds trader. Yes, indeed. So let me holl at at my boy Bill O, another tough as nails man forged in the blast furnace of the middle class ghetto.


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