Thursday, November 13, 2003

Ubermensch of the Conservative Press

Last friday, Noemie Emery wrote an article on relishing the seething anger Bush is able to touch of in liberals. Rather than actually write a so-called "counter-argument", I'll continue the grand B of P tradition of just making fun of people and things I don't like.

Here is a quoute from the article in question:
Open the paper, and there they all are: the hard-faced women who refer to abortion as "choice," the soft-faced male writers who look a little too pampered, the actors, the artists, the faculty hotshots, the with-it, the urbane and the urban, the concerned, the refined, the sincere.

Look at the selection in bold again, now look at the picture of NY Times Columnist and Standard regular, David Brooks, below:

Yep, nothing soft or pampered about Mr. Brooks. He's a regular paragon of American mascuilinity, with his boyish face, frail physique, supernerd glasses and lips just slightly parted....He's the John Wayne of 2003, if John Wayne was a flaming metrosexual that sipped lattes while wearing the fruitiest goddamn sweatshirt ever and walking a fucking poodle.



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