Sunday, October 12, 2003

Tooling Around At The Weekly Standard

Stepehn F. Hayes at the Weekly Standards is still pushing the Iraq-9-11 connection. In his latest column, he maintains that Dick Cheney was completely right when he went on "Meet the Press" and said that "We don't know" about Saddam and 9-11. While in of itself, the statement "We don't know" is truthful, it is cleary part of the Administration's constant and baseless innuedo about a connection between Iraq and the September 11th attacks exists. Cheney's choice of words was misleading, because it implies that there is a reasonable chance that Saddam was involved, when in fact there is no evidence to support such a claim. So in that sense, Cheney was wrong, especially in light of the White House's previous efforts to imply (though never explicitly stating) that Iraq was behind 9-11.

Edited for spelling


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