Thursday, October 09, 2003

Is Nativism Always Bad?

Orrin Hatch has propsed amending the constitution so that naturalized citizens can run for President. While in principle I support a more open immigration policy and removing unfair barriers to office, I'm not exactly comfortable with Hatch's idea. In the first place, it is purely political, a direct byproduct of Arnold's victory in the recall race and is probably meant to give him a chance to run for President in 2008. When you think about it, any provision that prevents both Schwarzenegger and the prince of Henry Kissinger from becoming President looks pretty good. Those are only the achievements of that highly prejudiced constitutional requirement in the last 30 years. Who knows what misery the Republic has been spared (and maybe spared in future) thanks to our founding fathers who wisely decided that immigrants could never be real Americans. Ever.


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