Sunday, October 12, 2003

What's In a Name?

Political Aims speculates that Edwards' low poll numbers are due to people confusing with the television pyschic John Edward. I'm actually inclined to believe this theory. Edwards hasn't been in the senate very long and has had very little national exposure, he's not a not household name by any strech of the imagination, so it is entirely possible that people are hesitant to back him because they think he's some clownish montebank (15 Pomposity Points!). As a matter of fact, one of my friends once remarked "John Edward, you mean the biggest douche in the universe?", alluding (12.5!) to a South Park episode that savaged the TV telepathist. Political Aims recommends that Edwards change his name to "Bill Clinton" to solve the problem, personally, I think it would be best if Edwards just got himself a lot of media attention by doing something bold/stupid. Perhaps it is time he challenge Dean to a fist fight.


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