Tuesday, October 14, 2003

I report. You Decide.

Limbaugh is a Martyr
Modern day Martin Luther King and radio personality Rush Limbaugh is being crucified by the PC Gestapo, the Liberal Media and the Civil Rights establishment. What a sad day when so called defenders of civil liberties turn on the best friend of the first amendment. Truly, freedom has had no greater friend than our christ-like friend, El Rusho.

Godless China To Invade the Heavens!
The awful atheist communist of China are about the befoul God's home with their infernal space program. Cleary, it is time the United States sink hundreds of billions of dollars into an unnecessary and unworkable missile defense scheme as soon as possible. Not only will the militarization prevent further Red aggression in space, but it would also play a vital role in the war on terror. If another 9-11 were to happen, national missile defense would be able to...well, that's not important. The important thing is that the Saddamite Democrats in congress be crushed, the pockets of defense contractors runneth over and our favored place at the right hand of the father be protected.

Ted Kennedy is a Crazy Cocaine Addict
Many know far left Mass. Senator, Ted Kennedy for his pro-saddam views, but few know about the total depravity of his personal life. A former employee of Kennedy, who was fired for "insanity" and "gross incompetence" has accused Kennedy of snorting the illegal drug cocaine several times a day. According to this angry former employee (who has no vendetta against his former "dick of a boss"), Kennedy gets his coke from an international ring of drug dealing abortionist pedophiles who commit senseless murder on the side.


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