Thursday, May 29, 2003

As regular readers of this blog may have noticed, I'm getting visciously attacked in the comments section by "Uncle Joe". Uncle Joe is none other than North Landesman. Among the many ridiculous comments posted by North was some half-bright criticism of my post on the futility of compromise with the Republicans. North wrote that "why would the Dems want unresriceted party warfare when they are in the minority? wouldn't they lose?". Here it seems he took my hyperbole, "unrestricted partisan warfare" a bit too seriously. What I meant was Democrats should refuse to cooperate with the GOP and whenever it was possible and politically advisable, they should obstruct the Republic Party's agenda. As a student of the BEST TEACHER EVER, I'm suprised North is not more familiar with the ways a minority party can cause some serious discomfort for the ruling party.

If this post strikes you as mean spirited or over the top, please remember that North had it coming.


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