Thursday, May 29, 2003

Dick Morris Piles On
In his new book Off With Their Heads the Other Tricky Dick accuses the New York Times of rigging its public opinion polls to favor democrats. Which of course just nonsense and more brain dead Times Bashing, other polling agencies have said that the New York Times polling procedures are perefectly normal and are pretty common in the indusrty. Even though the New York Times drops the ball frequently (Jayson Blair is just the latest embarrasment), its still an important institution and without it, the American press would be far more vulgar and crude. Of course, if your realling looking for refinement, you can read the FOREIGN PRESS mmmm yes, because the B of P approved outlets are so much more reputable. Its common knowledge that if you want the real news, you have to read the Guardian or Le Monde.


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