Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Atrios has hit the nail on the head:

And, once enough people decided accusing anti-war folk of being commies, or appeasers, or Saddam lovers, or dictator supporters, or America-haters, or whatever it is this week, was the way to make the case, it was pretty clear to me that there was no case to be made, or at least none that was being made. Saddam bad. Gassed his own people. Aluminum tubes. Weapons of Mass Destruction. Protesters giving Saddam what he wants. Peace folk "objectively pro-Saddam." Saddam is Hitler, anti-war folk Chamberlain. What horseshit - nothing but fearmongering and McCarthyism redux.

I'm a hawk, but the utter idiocy of many of my fellow hawks is appalling. A lot of these folks seem to be willfully stupid, sacficing all intellectual integrity with their wild and brainless rhetoric. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, cuddle up with a copy of the NY Post or if you consider yourself a high brow, the Weekly Standard or National Review. You'll see the same kind of garbage on many of the pages. Garbage like what appeared in Michael Kelly's most recent column:

To march against the war is not to give peace a chance. It is to give tyranny a chance. It is to give the Iraqi nuke a chance. It is to give the next terrorist mass murder a chance. It is to march for the furtherance of evil instead of the vanquishing of evil.

This is just away of avoiding the debate, of dodging the hard questions about Iraq and a sign of a very lazy mind. Such foolish isn't justified no matter where you stand on Iraq.


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