Monday, February 24, 2003

Death of a Journalist
I believe that David Brooks has just become a hack. This is a shame, because for a long time I respected him, a thought he was a pretty good writer and especially perceptive for a conservative. However, a recent article by him in the Weekly Standard has greatly lowered my opinion of the man. First of all the article basically rips off an earlier one by Lawrence Kaplan on anti-semitism, but as with most Knock offs, Brook's work is of a lower quality than the original. While Kaplan does a brief survey of anti-semitism in relation to the coming war with Iraq, taking a look at jew baiting in America's left, right and center. Brooks on the other hand just uses it to bash usual suspects, those darnedlong haired protestors and their shadowy commmunist and terrorist friends in ANSWER. In fact in Brook's article he ignores the bigotry of the "Buchananite right" entirely (something Kaplan's article spend a fair amount of time on), saying that most anti-semitism these days comes from the Left (naturally). All and all Brook's article is really just shabby and appears to be driven almost entirely by his vendenta against the peace movement. Congrads Dave, you are now a terminal fool. May you and Nicholas D. Kristoff have a great time patting each other on the back while you sink deeper and deeper into your own disgusting and stagnant mental marsh.


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