Wednesday, June 19, 2002

The Mideast
The Palestinian H-Bomb: Terror's Winning Strategy
The article is a history and analysis of suicide bombing. Its very thorough and very interesting, but the author's policy recommendations
don't seem to be that effective.
The Culture of Martyrdom
In this Atlantic article David Brooks examines the impact of suicide bombing on Plaestinian Society. He also suggests
physical seperation with a security wall would be the best way to deal with problem.
Bush to Propose Palestinian State
Damn, he's only encouraging them. I smell the work of Powell.
Israel's New Strategy: Seize Palestinian Land
Sounds like a plan. But when are the security fences coming? Probably not until Israel gets a labor PM, because Sharon is in love with
the settlements (or at least loves the votes of the settlers and other right wing nuts) and refuses to get rid of them. As long as there are settlements, I Israel won't be secure.


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