Monday, May 27, 2002

I haven't gotten a chance to update the blog in awhile so sorry to my loyal readers (all none of them). Here
are a few items:
-I've been elected class president (its the politcal equivalent of being an ant, but one of the ants that has a
big sugar crystal), as I was the only candidate with any specific reforms mentioned in their speech.
-The Dailyhowler has updated its site with several new articles of media criticism.
-All that is good and holy commands you to check out the Institute of Propaganda Analysis, to do otherwise would be downright
-Speaking of Propaganda, I've just finished Noam Chomsky's pamphlet, "The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda". Ironically, the pamphlet itself was a piece made liberal use of propaganda techniques, though it did have some valid points (the US' support of undemocratic regimes). On the whole though, I found it insufferable, but then again I never really liked Noam.
-While were on the subject of left wing figures, does anyone understand Oakland Mayor and Former California Governor Jerry Brown? He's been bashed by the Dead Kennedys as a "Zen Fascist", but during his radio career he indulged in long anti-corporate diatribes and other rabble rousing and now the DLC seems to love him to pieces. I'm not surely what to make of the man.
-For all those who'd like to contact me, I can be reached at
I'd appreciate some feedback.
-Finally, go to Why? You'll know when you get there.
Now good day, there is a lot of homework I've been avoiding that needs tending post haste.


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