Sunday, June 02, 2002

Getting Angry 7 Days a Week
Want to get angry? Then go to click here. Its an article by an ignorant pissant, Stephen Hayes, about how media consolidation is beneficial. Hayestalks about how he watched a show on Home Remodeling, Food from around the world and a History Channel Documentary and concludes that the consolidation of the TV companies has not harmed "variety" and "quality" in the market place of ideas. This is of course absolute garbage and does not deserve to be printed (of course the half-bright neadthrathals of weekly standard obviously think otherwise). Hayes ignored the decline in the quality and variety of television (as well as print) journalism where these things really matter. CBS dumped its investigative report on the tabaco companies, NBC (owned by GE) never mentions the PCBs at the bottom of the Hudson and all of the TV networks dutifully ignored Sentaor Torecilli's (D)(NJ) common sense proposal (something rather unusual for Torecilli, who's prinicipal achievement has been taking bribes & getting away with it) to have TV stations sell ad time at a reduced rate to political candidates, a proposal that would address the source of our campaign finance corruption: extremely expensive ads (which are also causeed by the fact that there is almost no politcal coverage on the Nightly News). In short the moron neo-con author of this Weekly Standard piece either has a brain filled with sawdust or is a liar who turns out garbage to pander to his audience of brain dead right wingers.


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