Monday, January 12, 2004

The TNR Endorsement

The New Republic endorsed Joseph Lieberman* a few days ago and while the endorsement doesn't carry much political weight, it was the topic of discussion for a few days in the blogosphere. A lof of liberals are rather displeased with the endorsement, but is it really a suprise or an outrage? Because TNR didn't get in line and back St. Dean doesn't mean it has ceased by being a legitimate center-left publication. Some liberal bloggers see this as preperation for an endorsement of Bush for the general election. I really do not see this happening, in the first place, Lieberman has much more in common with Dean and the other Democrats than he does with Bush (his rating for the American Conservative Union is very low and his Americans for Democratic Action rating is quite high) and Martin Peretz and most of the TNR staff are dyed in the wool democrats. As Peretz once said, "if I vote Republican, may might right hand wither".**

* I do not like Joe Lieberman.
**quote not exact.


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