Brooks Is a Talentless Hack Redux
Here's my last jab at Brooks' column on the neocons. In the article in question he wrote:
Do you ever get the sense the whole world is becoming unhinged from reality? I started feeling that way awhile ago, when I was still working for The Weekly Standard and all these articles began appearing about how Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Doug Feith, Bill Kristol and a bunch of "neoconservatives" at the magazine had taken over U.S. foreign policy...
We'd sit around the magazine guffawing at the ludicrous stories that kept sprouting, but belief in shadowy neocon influence has now hardened into common knowledge. Wesley Clark, among others, cannot go a week without bringing it up.
Ah yes, how absurd. Where would anyone get that notion? Probably from a third rate bat shit publication published bytrogldytes and lunatics from beyond the moon...

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