Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Blogstar Josh Marshall Stings Again

For any of those who tried to come to understand neoconservatism, I highly recommend this post by Josh Micah Marshall. Not because the post actually explains the movement, but because it eliminates one of the most common smoke screens deployed by the neocons, that they aren't really a political movement and any claims to the contrary anre insane anti-semetic conspiracy theories. I never believed in a neocon cabal, but the more the neoconservatives deny that the neoconservative movement exists at all, the more I think there is something to that charge. Why on earth would a political movement deny its existence? The neoconservativism clearly is a distinct ideology with its own propaganda apparatus (the ZOG machine!*...I mean...er...uh...blast), so why deny its existence? Highly supsicious. Speaking of which, liberalism doesn't exist and it has no sway in the Democratic party. If you don't think so, you clearly are the worst bigot this side of Stormfront.org and are objectively pro-Saddam, Idi Amin, Hitler and Stalin.

*There you are, Jon.


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