Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Kristof, A Self-Hating Democrat

In today's column, Nick "Mrs. Manners" Kristof, writes:

One of the most unfortunate trends in the Democratic presidential race has been the way nearly all of the candidates, including Howard Dean, the front-runner, have been flirting with anti-trade positions by putting the emphasis on labor, environmental and human rights standards in international agreements.

Of course, Mr. Kristof fails to mention that President Bush has also done great harm to the cause of free trade and maybe more protectionist than many of the Democratic candidates. I guess big, dumb Nick was trying to score some Fair & Balanced points by unfairly attack his own side. I don't demand 100% loyalty from liberal opinion journalists, but when your main preoccupation seems to be tut-tutting Democrats there is something wrong.


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