Saturday, December 20, 2003

Oh Dear.

Remeber how a few months ago Michael Savage was "hoofed in the junk" by MSNBC for telling a caller to "get AIDS and die"? Well, recently another conservative talk show on MSNBC has totally outdone Savage (formerly named Weiner, back when he was Jewish and not an anti-semite). In November, Joe Scarborough , host of "Scarborough Country" had some interesting guests with opinion outside of the mainstream to discuss pressing issues frequently ignored by the elite press corps, by which I mean, bigots that hate and fear people with dark skin beating each other off about how America is being destroyed by the brown menace. Their views can be summed in by this one quote from founder of the racist American American Rennaisance Magazine, Jared Taylor:

TAYLOR: Immigration from Mexico is a particular threat to the nature of the United States, for several reasons.

Mexicans are linguistically different. They are racially different. And many arrive with an explicit reconquista mentality. They wish to reconquer parts of the United States and take it back and make it Mexican. If that is not a direct threat to nature of the United States, I don’t know what is.

Guests that attacked the notion that America is a White Country were dismissed by Pat Buchanan as anti-American. What jerks, these psuedo-intellectual racists can't even come up with clever justifications for their prejudice. They have been using the Rising Tide of Color argument for more than a hundred years, but it was never plausible and is now just really stale in stupid. Not only are these people vigorously anti-brown people, they are also stupid and pendantic pieces of trash.

Yep, good ol' MSNBC, making racism respectable again.

Via Ornicus


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