Thursday, December 18, 2003

Message to Ralph

Ralph Nader, in an interview on CNN's Inside Politics, remained coy about whether he would run for president in 2004. Says Nader: "We're testing the waters."

All right, you might not understand this you vain tool, but the American political system makes it so that any third party candidate will hurt the major candidate closest to ideologically. You also don't seem to realize that there is a HUGE difference between the two political parties. Ralph, I know you think the Democrats are "corporate sellouts" or whatever the hell you want to call them, but what are the odds that a Democrat would have decieved the public in order to get the country into a war it was unprepared to win and endager the health of the American economy and stability of the welfare state with tax cuts for the wealthy? The answer, dick, is not at all. Oh yeah, one last point: let's assume that Al Gore and George W. Bush had died when their campaign busses collided head on and you were elected after a tough race against the American Nazi party and the Black panthers. If this bizzare scenario had happened and you became president, your administration would have been a disaster. All your life you have been nothing but an anlke biting pest (albeit sometimes pestering the right people, like back when you sued corporations for making dangerous products rather than helping turn back progress in this country by 20 years) and are totally unqualified to be president. Your foreign policy views are all screwed up and your anti-business radicalism would have led to a horrific stock market crash upon your inaguration. You do not belong anywhere near the White House, a county dogcatcher has more experience than you. Now do the world a favor and take a bath in a vat of boiling water filled with heat resistant pirhannas. Or don't run for president, whichever is easier.


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