Friday, December 19, 2003

Bloggers Vs. Conservanerd

It took me awhile to notice this amusing dynamic, but I have finally realized its full dimensions. A coterie of left leaning bloggers have been harrassing Ben Shapiro. Shapiro is a pretty young guy (he's two years older than me), but already he's become a part of the right wing propaganda machine. He is the pround proprietar of a web site and more impressively a newspaper column (or at least a column that appear regularly at It seems that Shapiro really rubs the left blogosphere the wrong way, because he's reguarly been the butt of jokes and the subject or scorn at Rittenhouse Review and Tbogg. The amount of abuse heaped on him is way out proportion to his relative importance in American politics (somewhere above the B of P, but bellow Westchester Parent Magazine). This leads me to conclude that Mr. Shapiro is the victim of bullying. Not only is he being unfairly picked on by mean leftists, but his attackers are (probably) significantly older than him and better versed in the fine art of rhetorical warfare. I'm, not criticizing the liberal bloggers that have their fun at Shapiro's offense, though. Just look at the guy:

Man, if this guy went to my high school, he'd have had to get use to getting stuffed in a locker...a locker full of hunger, man eating rats.


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