Saturday, December 27, 2003

Brooks' Latest

From today's column:

I concede that government should be limited, prudent and conservative, but only when there is something decent to conserve. Saddam sent Iraqi society spinning off so violently, prudence became imprudent. The Middle East could not continue down its former course....

But ours is the one revolution that worked, and it did precisely because our founders were epistemologically modest too, and didn't pretend to know what is the good life, only that people should be free to figure it out for themselves.

Because of that legacy, we stink at social engineering. Our government couldn't even come up with a plan for postwar Iraq — thank goodness, too, because any "plan" hatched by technocrats in Washington would have been unfit for Iraqi reality.

Shorter David Brooks:
Trying to remodel the entire Middle East by invading Iraq was a sensible down to earth approach to our problems, but actually making any plans for the occupation or reconstruction of Iraq would be the hieght of arrogance.

Note to Bill Keller: FIRE THIS HACK NOW! And get someone who isn't drinking the Administration's Kool Aid


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