Sunday, October 26, 2003

Noble Gestures R Us

Dems Push Mental Health Bill As Tribute To Wellstone
I have no real problem with "mental health parity" (requiring insurance companies to pay for mental healthcare, like it was any other kind of treatment), because unless you cling to outdated and inhumane notions about mental illness, there is no reason on Earth to treat it any differently than any other kind of disease. The only problem with this bill is that as far as I knowm, it is an unfunded mandate and therefore will not do much to improve healthcare in this country. Insurance companies are going to have to raise premiums or cut other services in order to make mental healthcare coverage equal regular coverage, so its not like people will be much better. While the bill isn't great policy, it is good politics, though. Who doesn't want to take on the greedy insurance companies in the name of the little guy and make their opponents look like stooges for big business?


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