Thursday, June 27, 2002

Department of '04 and So Much More
The Darkest Horse
Invisible Man
As for as policy goes Howard Dean (governor of Vermont) is an the ball. Balanced budgets, health care (Vermont's uninsured rate is 8% thanks to his programs), gay rights (Vermont is the only state with Civil Unions), I can't think of a thing I disagree with on. His national progams makes just as much sense and its great that he has the courage to call for the repeal of the Bush tax cut, something no other democratic presidential candidate has had the courage to say as clearly and decisively as Mr. Dean. Both article completely overlook his foreign policy, which is unfortunate, because that is an important part of being president.
It doesn't seem like this guy has a chance in hell though, he's only raised 140K so far (in my congressional district the Republican candidate raised about ten times as much as that) and hs PAC only has one person (His chief of staff) who has to work part time. Hopefully, he'll force the other candidates to pick up his posistion on healthcare and the tax cut.


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