Thursday, June 27, 2002

The 9th Circuit thumbs its nose at the Supremes with its pledge ruling.Pledge Ruled Unconstitutional
White House and Congress Condem Decision
Everyone really ought to mellow out about this. Generally people take themselves way to seriously with regards to Church and State Seperation issues. The Atheists seem to freak out every time the word "God" is present. Man atheists bother me a bit, there is a an air of victimhood that many atheists have ("He mentioned a supreme being, religion was mentioned, therefore its being forced on me...oh my, this is so terrible, everyone is so mean to me, I'm oppressed, oh, oh, etc.") and of course elitism ("Religion is a crutch for the feebleminded"). This isn't to say atheism (I've actually found it tempting) itself is bad, just a number of individuals who believe in it. However, nothing irritates me more than those self-righteous jerks who think that the whole world would be OK if all children were coerced into a little christian prayer and trace all the evil in the world to the boogie man of "secularism". In the particular case though, it is the the seculars who are enganging in hysterics. What's even worse is that their hysterics are providing ammo for the right, to be fired when the Seperation of Church and State really are threatend.


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