Thursday, May 20, 2004

The Imperialists Strike Back

Onetime U.S. ally Chalabi's home, offices raided

U.S. soldiers and Iraqi police on Thursday raided the residence and party offices of Iraqi politician Ahmad Chalabi and arrested an unknown number of his associates, completing the longtime Pentagon favoriteÂ?s fall from grace in the eyes of Washington.


At a news conference after the raids, Chalabi, a prominent member of the Iraqi Governing Council, said that U.S. authorities were pressuring him because he has been "calling for policies to liberate the Iraqi people" when the U.S. transfers power to an interim Iraqi government next month.

But Pentagon officials told NBC News that they were acting at the behest of Iraqi authorities investigating the disappearance of millions of dollars in cash and other assets following the fall of Saddam Hussein

Even better, 16 INC (Iraqi National Congress) associates have warrants out for their arrest for fraud, kidnapping and other related charges. Just last week the Pentagon cut off INC's subsidies and now they are activelyharassingg them. This has all be long overdue, but at least now Ahmed Chalabi is starting to get what he deserves.


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