Thursday, December 11, 2003

The Dean is a Liar meme is born! More Deep Thoughts From the Press Corps

Remember how last year, starting in the primaries, the Press began to consider vice president Gore to be a serial liar? Remember how that nasty and unfair dynamic almost certianly damaged his chances of success? Well, it seems that we might see a repeat of that with Howard Dean. The other day on Slate, the always fair and balanced William Saletan (who called Gore's endorsement anti-democratic), wrote:

Memo to Dean: Clean up your accuracy, or you'll go the way of the guy who just endorsed you.

If Dean becomes the nominee, I'm pretty sure we'll see nonsense like this again.

Oh yeah and Clark is "wooden": He talks like a Clutch Cargo character: Nothing moves but his mouth. His head locks in one position, his gaze fixes in the distance, his eyebrows never rise, and he seldom blinks. He goes on and on without smiling. His arms move mechanically, like a marionette's.


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