Tuesday, December 09, 2003


The stars seem to been in alignment for Mr. Dean. Just look at these headlines!:
Gore To Endorse Dean

Dean Expanding New Hampshire Lead

Oh yes and Rep. Dick Gephardt says that "Howard's strategy is to knock me out in Iowa and knock Kerry out in New Hampshire. If that happens, it's over."

Well, it looks like Kerry is going to get blown away by Dean in NH and Gephardt does look like he lose Iowa...

But I still think Dean is vincible. I refuse to believe the "inevitablity" nonsense floating around the blogsphere and professional political press. Out of all the serious candidates for the nomination, Dean is one of the least likely to beat Bush and I'm going to continue to hope that he loses at the last possible second, at which point I will blow like the shifting wins of fortune and whore myself out to him, his ticket and his platform. Hmmm, that came out wrong, but no matter.


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