Saturday, December 13, 2003

Dean Believes In Magic

Howard Dean has come out in favor of "Star Wars" missile defense (link here). This seems to be a an attempt to make Dean seem more moderate, especially with regards to foreign affairs and national security. However, missile defense is a really bad idea, as the brilliant Tom Taxter argued in one of his equally brilliant posts and it bothers me that Dean has come out in favor of it. Instead of say, supporting a useful policy, Dean has backed something utterly ridiculous and is either being foolish (because he doesn't understand why Star Wars is ridiculous, mainly that it will cost billions and won't work) or cynical. Dean's move is similar to when a certain high school student, with a left leaning, hippyish reputation takes an absurd posisition simply to prove what a free thinker he is.

That's right, "Buh, how can a book be racist?"


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