Tuesday, November 04, 2003


Is new lunar mission pie in sky?

The Bush administration is considering the possibility of planting more in the lunar dust with a far-reaching plan that could return Americans to the moon.

I guess this nonsense is a response to Chinese Invasion of God's Realm with their latest rocket launch. In which case, it would be one of the saddest and most pathetic moves ever. It would show that the United States is really unsure of itself and finds that it has to respond to even the smallest, most indirect challenges to its greatness. The absurdity of it all would boggle the mind. Imagine a first world country (the richest in the history of the world, no less), wasting billions (which could be better spent on ANYTHING else) to send a few guys to the moon just because a third rate world power like China performed a lame feat of strength. As the Chin said, "We already did that. We sent our phallic symbol there 30 years ago. Its over."


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