Tuesday, November 04, 2003

The Horror!

Usually I don't like to do the whole "dissent is being stamped out" handwringing hurricane, but CBS has just pulled its Ronald Reagan mini-series after it took a lot of flack from the GOP for failing to adhere to the official history of St. Reagan as written by the Conservative Hack Guild. This is really disgusting. I can't believe the Republicans are so authoritarian as to try and stiffle any and all speech they find displeasing (but remember, Wesley Clark wrote a letter critical of Rush Limbaugh, so he is Adolf Hitler) and that CBS proved to be such a balless wonder and roll over and give it up as soon it was asked. Well, I guess this kills the whole Liberal Media myth stone dead, though its not like that will keep every buffoon from saying that from now untill doomsday. Goddamn everything.


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