Monday, September 29, 2003

It’s Coming Down

Justice Probes Leak of CIA Agent's Name
I'm pretty far behind the blogpack on this one, but allegedly White House Officials revealed that Ambassador Joseph Wilson's wife was a CIA agent. Wilson's wife was also, apparently, invovled in covert activity and exposing her relationship with the agency might be a crime. For those of you that don't obsessively scan the newswires, Ambassador Wilson investigated claims that Iraq had attempted to buy uranium from Niger, found the claims to be "suspect" and later publicly criticized the President for using these inaccurate claims in his state of the Union address as evidence of Saddam Hussein's WMD program. It is likely that the release of his wife's name was meant to indimidate other whistle blowers. This could prove to be a big story, but we'll have to see what develops. Frequently it takes a while for a story to brew in the blogospher pressure cooker before it becomes THE STORY or you know, turns into a fleeting could of steam.


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