Monday, May 12, 2003

Mishra, Powell discuss axis of India-US-Israel

It shoulnd't suprise anyone that I'm excited by this proposed partnership (despite what the above headline from a Pakistani newspapers says). For too long the US has been aloof towards India and friendly towards its non-democratic rivals, specifically Pakistan. First with the Cold War and then later with the War on Terror, the US has found it convient to maintain cool relations with India and cozy up to Pakistan. I've never been comfortable of America's alliances of convience with various dictatorships and have been dismayed by the less than great treatment India has recieved. I think this proposed alliance makes a lot of sense. The United States, India and Israel are all natural allies (unlike less natural ones such as Pakistan or Saudi Arabia), all three being democracies threatened by terrorism. I think that in order for the US to succeed in its efforts to protect itself, terrorism must be discredited as a strategy and that requires fighting it on all fronts. It must never be allowed to work anywhere, otherwise it will be viewed as a workable way of dealing with grievances.


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