Sunday, February 08, 2004

Meet the Press

From today's installment of Meet the Press:

Russert: His [George Tenet] job is not in jeopardy?

President Bush: No, not at all, not at all. We've got people working hard in intelligence gathering around the world to get as good an information as possible.

You really have to be borderline scizophrenic to swallow the administration's line. The case of the overhyped WMD threat isn't the fault of the hawks (who derrided the intelligence community for "underestimating" the Iraq threat) in the White House, but the CIA's fault. Even though the CIA basically made the US look like an ass in front of the entire world (this is the administration's logic) by misjudging Iraq, the man responsible for intelligence should get to keep his job, becasue really it was nobody's fault, it's all really complicated and it is distracting us from our war on dangerous athletic supplements


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