Saturday, November 22, 2003

Spinning Straw into GOLD!

The Corner gets it wrong again:

Clark said the Bush administration has been correct to modernize old notions of collective security and deterrence, "but it is wrong to insist that the alternative must be unilateral preemption." This is an egregious strawman. I don't think the administration has ever "insisted" on unilateral preemption as the alternative.

Unilateralism is at the very heart of the Bush administration's foreign policy. The President and his advisors aim to achieve complete freedom of action for the United States, such a goal is naturally at odds with any concept of collective security or multilaterallism. And yes, Mr. Lowry, the boy-editor-in chief, the Administration has insisted on going it alone
in some instances. In the aftermath of 9-11 I remember NATO invoking its mutual defense clause and Bush declining. I'd tried to think of more instances, but I'm a lazy person and don't really think claims that the President's foreign policy is not plagued by knee-jerk unilateralism deserve to be taken seriously.

Oh yes, I almost forgot, the Republicans NEVER use straw men, ever. They take ideas way to seriously to do that, at least that's what I've learned from the Weekly Standard.


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