Saturday, August 23, 2003

An Idea Who's Time Hasn't Come

House Members Propose Longer Office Terms

Two congressmen, Stenholm (D-Tex.), Roscoe Bartlett (R-Md.) have proposed altering the Constitution in order to end the "permanent campaigns" waged by today's representatives. To replace current system of two-year terms for members of the House, the two men would instead have a ten-year election cycle, beginning after the census with one two year terms, followed by two four year terms.

I’m as opposed to the excessive fundraising and campaigning as much as anyone, but I don’t think this ten-year election cycle is the best solution. In the first place, longer terms are not necessarily an antidote to the permanent campaign (just look at the Presidency in recent years). Secondly, the House is meant to be the most responsive branch of the Federal Government, any changes to the frequency of elections that would really decrease the amount of electioneering done by congressmen would undermine this important function.


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