Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Unlike John Kerry, who has frequently flip flopped on the Iraq War, especially now that evidence of a WMD program has not been found, Edwards has not equivocated on Iraq. Senator Edwards has voted for the War and has stood by his vote. While his unapolgetic support of the Iraq War might cause short term political problems in the primaries, in the long term it'll be an important assent. Kerry's refusal to take a firm posistion on the issue only feeds the Press' growing prejudice that Kerry is the new Gore, in that he is an opportunist without convictions who is willing to say anything to get elected. Whether or not this is true is besides the point, the fact that the Press' has prejudices is a fact that must be accepted and dealt with. On a number of occasions, from his "discovery" of his Jewish roots and his prostate cancer surgery, the press corps has attacked Kerry for dishonesty and opportunism. Edwards should exlpoit this dynamic and use it against Kerry, otherwise W. will probably have a chance to do that in the general election.


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