Sunday, December 22, 2002

Ungrateful Free Rider Watch
Seoul Man

On Thursday Roh Moo-hyun was elected President of South Korea. Roh Moo-hyun supports reconciliation with the North, his campaign was helped significantly by the wave of anti-Americanism following the aquittal of two US servicemen who ran down two Korean girls with an armored vehicle. More and more Koreans are becoming increasingly opposed to the US presence in South Korea and don't think that North Korea is a serious threat.

I think it is time to withdraw from Korea. If the South is too seperated from reality to know what is good for it (totalitarian police state working madly to manufacture nuclear weapons is a serious threat), I don't see a reason to try and protect it, especially since we don't have to worry about the Cold War and the spread of communism and soviet influence to worry about. So let South Korea go, let it reunify with )read: be invaded by) the North, defending them is not worth one American life. The resulting disaster of continuing the "sunshine policy" towards Kim Jong Il's dictatorship may bring other countries around and make them understand that the United States isn't the bad guy.


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