Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Well, the elections could have turned out worse. I'm not sure how, but they could have.
We'll be spitting up GOP fun for months to come. Thecongressional chieftans of the party are looking downright incompetent right now, in fact they make Gore appear like a smooth operator in comparison. Soon-to-be-ex-majority-leader-Tom Daschle was spared even greater embarrasment by the success of his protege Tim Johnson in the South Dakota race. If Johnson had lost it might have meant it was time that Daschle started to look for another line of work. However, I think we've just seen the death of any chance of Daschle realizing his presidential ambitions.

Why did we lose? I'm not sure, but I think it was a distinct lack of the "vision-thing". More later.


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